Lough Memorials has a large selection of headstone designs as well that you can browse at our store in our Frederick MD memorial showroom, and can customize your monument, memorial, marker or headstone with a one-of-a-kind design. We have a large selection of headstone designs in our Frederick MD showroom, and can create your desired design for the most personalize tribute using expert etching, engraving, carving, sandblasting, statues, and letter designs.
Shape Carving: Shape carving creates a 3D appearance on your monument or memorial. Sandblasting an outline and carving the interior is a common technique used on designs such as leaves, roses, flowers, and religious symbols.
Sandblast or Flat Carving: Sandblasted designs is a common and often preferred type of carving technique used to create custom designs. It is the process of pressurized air and an abrasive mixture used over a stencil to engrave a variety of designs such as images, numbers, letters, and flowers.
Sculpture / Statues: Statues and sculptures are popular designs in enhancing the beauty of your loved ones monument or memorial. These carved or cast figures of a symbol are affixed to a monument or memorial, and are usually made of bronze, granite or marble. As a Rock of Ages® dealer, we offer beautifully handcrafted sculptures and statues, such as religious figures, saints, crosses and flowers.
Etching: Lough Memorials offers hand etching and laser etching designs for your headstone, memorial or monument. Hand and laser etching are two ways we add detailed images onto granite memorials such as portraits of your loved one or a cherished scene or image that will last for generations to come.
Fonts and Lettering Styles: There are many lettering types that can be used to inscribe a headstone or granite memorial. our skilled engravers can match any style of letters.